Larali wrote: I hope someone realizes you belong in Art History. To immortalize your techniques, your genius and your passion for beauty will inspire and enable generations to come to follow their dreams. Thanks for sharing, in this digital age, your amazing talent and provide us, the contemporaries, a glimpse of a Master.
Crystalheart9 wrote:
This ebook is a fantastic resource of watercolor technique and information. I have just recently purchased it and have learned some wonderful new ways of using watercolors. Anyone who wants to paint with watercolor should purchase this beautiful ebook.
For those of you who haven't seen the presentation video about the ebook, here it isCrystalheart9 wrote:
This ebook is a fantastic resource of watercolor technique and information. I have just recently purchased it and have learned some wonderful new ways of using watercolors. Anyone who wants to paint with watercolor should purchase this beautiful ebook.
( if the video above doesn't start automatically click on this link instead: )
This is a short presentation about my ebook which is available online for instant download.
The description of the book is as follows:
This ebook in PDF format is primarily written for those who have worked with watercolour for some time, but also new beginners will find help and inspiration. In the course of giving tips and ideas, practical advice and instruction many rules are broken in a different approach to the traditional concept of watercolour painting
Apart from methods, tools and techniques the 14 chapters cover a wide range of subject matter including flowers, animals, people and buildings. Also how to paint the sky and the sea, fruit and vegetables and subjects on the beach. What to take with you when travelling with watercolours and how to find unusual subjects by taking a closer look. A chapter about painting watercolours in large formats covers important things to consider before starting. The book also dedicates a few pages to mistakes and how to avoid them or correct them when things went wrong anyway.
Finally there are some hints and words of advice about how to look after your finished work.

You can also see more about it at
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